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Protecting Life at Educational Facilities, Police Stations, and High-Risk Facilities

Respond Immediately to an Active Shooter and Provide Law Enforcement with Exact Shooter Location.

Design of Active Shooter Detection System - Cornerstone

Active Shooter Onsite!

Mass shooting

  attacks remain a real, persistent, and substantial risk to the community and there is proven technology that can rapidly identify the location of the assailant and launch a rapid response plan.


active shooter

 can be a misguided teenager, disgruntled employee or even a determined member of a terrorist organization. The motive can vary but often it could be a political or personal grievance, relationship rage, financial trouble or even a desire for infamy.

The damage done is incalculable and highly distressing to everyone involved. Because schools, campuses and other high-risk facilities usually span over large areas, it is exceedingly difficult to know the precise location of the offender. Therefore,

situational awareness

 is critical.

Gunshot Detection System

That risk can now be addressed easily by deploying low cost "Gunshot Detection" systems that provide the information to identify the sound of gunshots and provide instantaneous display of the location on a graphical display.

This technology is being deployed extensively in many countries in a wide variety of establishments such as government buildings, airports, schools, campuses, military bases, public venues, and other

high-risk environments.

The technology, which is easily deployed over a basic IP network, uses sensors installed throughout the building on ceilings or walls in predetermined locations. When a sensor validates the acoustic and infra-red components of a gunshot event, it immediately sends the location through the network to the Security Operators PC and displays the precise location of the shooter on a floor plan map with visual and audible annunciation.

Immediate Response Action!

This enables security personnel to launch their response plans immediately and if the offender decides to move on to other areas, it will continue to update the floor plan display with real time indication of his exact path and location.

This instant detection will enable security personnel to have greater

situational awareness

, assess the threat more quickly and direct law enforcement to the correct location of the shooter. This in turn, reduces the possibility of more harm and destroyed lives.

Integration with Access Control for Lockdown and Mass Notification

Apart from standard SMS and email notification, the Gunshot Detection System may be integrated with various other

security technologies

 such as

Access Control


Digital Video Surveillance

 and public address Systems that can be used to provide directions to building occupants on a timely basis. These may combine to form part of the overall security response plan by locking down the facility or enabling real time surveillance of the shooter, as well as broadcast announcements for safe evacuation.
Gunshot Detection System Network Diagram

Shooter Detection Systems UK CPNI approval

In 2018 the UK's Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure tested and certified the Guardian Indoor Active Shooter system to be used by the UK Government in protecting high risk facilities, campuses, and in any other built environment deemed at risk of an active shooter. By extension, this also means that it can be deployed at Non-Government locations.

SCEC Australia Approves Guardian Indoor Shooter Detection System

In 2018 The Australian Government's Security Construction and Equipment Committee (SCEC) also awarded the Guardian Indoor Active Shooter Detection System with a

Security Level 4 (SL4)

 certificate of approval, the highest security rating obtainable for security equipment in Australia. This means that the system may be deployed in Government departments or Agencies. As with the UK, it may also be deployed in the commercial and private sector.

Graphical Display of an Active Shooter System in Action

Gunshot Detection System Display on Monitor
The above image shows how a typical system displays the actual location of the gunshot to provide the earliest possible warning for a fast response.


Security Consulting

 can advise on the suitability of the gunshot detection system for your facility as well as help develop a roadmap for integration with other critical security systems that could be used to develop a rapid response plan. If you would like a confidential discussion on this type of technology and its suitability please call us on 1300 952 785.